Classification:vertical turbine pump Date:2024/11/20 15:12:24 Views:0
source:Vertical Turbine Pump Manufacturer and Vertical Suspension Pump Prices Provider
• Clean the threads on the column pipe, the flange and thepacking ring.
• Screw the packing ring onto the pipe. Make sure that thechamfer is on top.
• Screw the flange onto the pipe.
Attach slings to the head for lifting Of The vertical turbine pump as shown in FlGURE 17 which everis applicable.
Lift the head (and lifting plate if used), remove the hex nuts fromthe studs (if studs are used) and clean the mating surfaces on thebottom of the head (or lifting plate) and on the column pipe. Apply a thin coat of thread compound to all of the head-to-column matingsurfaces.
If the head-to-column pipe connection is flanged, align the head withflange holes, lower the head until it is seated squarely on the flange,and then install and tighten the fasteners. lf a butt type flange isused, orient the head so that its outlet is as close as possible to itsfinal position.
If the head-to-column pipe connection is threaded, lower the head un-til it contacts the pipe, apply a set of chain tongs to the pipe and turnthe head until the pipe seats. To tighten the head further, place a longpipe through the head windows or into the discharge (being carefulnot to damage the shaft).
In order to prevent undue bearing loads and excessive vibration, the vertical turbine pump head and line shaft must be aligned properly and must remain aligned during operation.