Classification:vertical turbine pump Date:2024/11/20 15:15:14 Views:0
source:Vertical Turbine Pump Manufacturer and Vertical Suspension Pump Prices Provider
Place the two setting beams on the foundation (or base plate) open-ing. If a base plate is used, place cardboard or thin plywood beneaththe beams to protect the machined surface.
Attach the three spacers and three eye nuts to three studs about 120degrees apart. Attach 3 legs of the 4 leg sling to eye nuts. See FIGURE12.
If the bowl is equipped with a strainer, first remove strainer, hoistbowl to vertical position being careful not to drag suction across floor,then reinstall strainer.
If there is any auxillary piping to the tail bearing, make certain thatthe bowl portion is assembled to the bowl at this time.
Center bowl over installation opening then carefully lower until theunderside of the top flange is resting squarely on the setting beams.Remove sling, eye nuts and spacers.
Clean the shaft threads, the discharge threads and butt face or flangeface and the tube adapter threads and face if enclosing tubing is fur-nished. Lightly oil the shaft threads and screw coupling on half way.Place a rag over the coupling to prevent entrance of foreign matterduring the next step in assembly.
ACAUTION: Do not lift or handle The vertical turbine pump bowl by the shaft.
1. inspect the bowl assembly as follows:
• Make sure no rags, wood or other foreign material is inthe suction or discharge.
• Rotate the impeller shaft to make sure it does not bind* If the discharge nozzle has bleed ports (used if enclosedline shaft type column is to be used), make sure that theseports are free of obstructions.
• Measure and record the avallable pump lateral (impellershaft end play) if not already done.
2. lf not already installed, place the two setting beams onthe foundation (or base plate).
3. install a friction clamp to the upper end of the bowl as-sembly beneath a convenient shoulder. Attach a cable slingto the friction clamp far enough out on the ears to allowremoval of the sling after the friction clamp is resting on thesetting beams. Also, make sure that the sling is long enoughfor the load hook to clear the shaft when the bowl assemblyis up righted. See FlGURES 10 and 11. Care must be taken toprevent the cable from wrapping around the shaft to preventthe bending of shaft or oll tubing.
4. Holst the bowl assembly to a vertical position being care.ful not to damage The vertical turbine pump suction or strainer. Use a ropeto tail in the bowl assembly preventing it from swinging intothe suction pipe, foundation or derrick.
5. if the suction pipe was installed apply thread compoundto the threads of the suction pipe and then carefully lowerthe bowl assembly so that the suction pipe engages withthe suction nozzle. Screw the bowl onto the suction pipe byhand, assuring that the connection is properly aligned andis not cross threaded. Use chain tongs to tighten the con-nection. After the connection is tightened, raise The vertical turbine pumpslightly, remove the friction clamps from the suction pipeand lower the unit until the friction clamp around the bowlrests on the setting beams. Remove the sling.
6. if the suction pipe and bowl assembly are being installedas one unit, center the unit over the installation openingthen carefully lower it until the clamp ears are resting on thesetting beams. Remove the sling.
7. On oil lube pumps check that the exposed bearing box istight.
8. Remove the shaft coupling, clean the shaft and couplingthreads, the bowl assembly threads and butt face, and themain bearing box threads and face (if enclosing tubingis furnished). Lightly oll the shaft threads and screw theshaft coupling on half way. Place a rag over the coupling toprevent entrance of trash when installing the first section ofcolumn.